1. Nepal Insurance Co.Ltd.
This is the 1st insurance company established in 2004 B.S. This company is taken as the milestone of nepalese insurance history. Nepal insurance co.ltd was incorporated on 2004-6-8. Established by the private sector, this insurance company is engaged in non-life insurance business within Nepal. Now, it is operating with 134 staffs with 7 branches and 3 contact offices all over country.
Branch Offices:- Birgung, Biratnagar, Narayangadh, Nepalhunj, Bharatpur, pokhara and Butwal,
Contact Offices:- Dhangadhi, Lahan and Birtamodh.
2. The Oriental Insurance Co.ltd.
After establishment of Nepal Insurance Company, there was not any insurance company established for almost two decades. Oriental Insurance company is the second modern insurance company of Nepal established in 2024 B.S. It has 6 branches now all over the country. It is also a non-life insurance company. So it provides different types of non-insurance facilities to the costumers.
3. Rastriya Beema Sansthan
Feeling the need of large and organized insurance company in the country, H.M.G. has established the Rastriya Beema Sansthan in 2024 B.S. It is totally a government organization with government investment and control.. This company provides both life and non-life insurance all over the country. right now, this company has three branches and seven contact offices. the head office of this insurance company is situated at Ramshahs Path, in the heart of Kathmandu.
Branch offices:- Hetauda, Birat

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